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For children from 8 weeks till 12 years old.
We offer an atmospheric, homely and safe
environment where we assume that every
child is unique with its own capabilities.
We respect the differences in backgrounds
of parents and children and try as much as
possible to take that into account.
We have opted for vertical groups.
Here babies and toddlers play together in a
group so we try as much as possible to simulate the homely situation
Every morning we take children aged 2.5 years and older to the out-of-school care group (except during holidays). There, activities adapted to their age category are offered.

Out Of School Care
We work with several B.S.O. groups.
Children between the ages of 4 and 12 play in these groups.
The children are picked up by car with car seats or are transported by cargo bike.
If you choose preschool childcare, do you want to ensure that your child is present at the day-care before 08:00.

At Ienieminie day-care, we offer toddler care at the Paalkamp location and at the Groenendael location.
Toddlers between the ages of 2 and 4 play in this group.
In this group we offer the toddlers a learning environment, aimed at all developmental areas of the toddler.
In this way we prepare the toddlers in a playful way for primary school.

Location Groenendael
Groenendael 233 H
8271 EM IJsselmuiden
Tel: 038-3033937
Location Paalkamp
Paalkamp 2
8271 LG IJsselmuiden
Tel: 038-3033031
Location Maarlenhof
Schepenenstraat 104
8271 VK IJsselmuiden
Tel: 038-3334875
Locatie Hoofdkantoor
Burgemeester van Engelenweg 72
8271 AT Ijsselmuiden
Tel: 038-3032133